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分享 2016-01-16 ski 2 MSLM
IceBeauty 2016-1-17 00:22
没想到Platium的课上下午都要上。上周六下雨carpool都不想来,听说雪况不错,很后悔。今天回到STEP 7 Steve as IT,这个班又是人最多的。Randy带的STEP 6只有4个学生。到哪儿,哪儿人多。今天到处是冰,堪称我滑雪史上冰面最大的一次。还好重心和腿力控制适当,没有摔跤。 上课也没学啥,就学了个J turn,没搞太明白,据说 ...
个人分类: 滑雪|398 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2016-01-02 Ski 1 MSLM
IceBeauty 2016-1-5 00:40
2016狼狈的首滑Jan. 2 闹钟没响,伸伸昨天跑累的腿,还累。一睁眼7:36am,天!10:30am的lesson,昨晚啥都没准备!一咕咚爬起一层层穿好雪服,装好boots,头盔、雪镜、手套(睡觉时想的必带物品),匆匆吃过,出门装雪具,车库里挂poles的钩上是空的 天天看见雪板在,poles啥时候丢的都不知道。顾不上想,8: ...
个人分类: 滑雪|409 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 ski 5 days at Banff, Calgary
IceBeauty 2015-6-14 18:46
4/4 ~ 11/4 Went with HPSC Big snow fall after we arrived! Frist 2 days ski with STEP 8/9 members and instructors. Need wider, light skis. Feel tired and a little behind but I am not last one except one time one of my ski dropped when down a bowl. Luckily I found it soon but it took me s ...
个人分类: 滑雪|464 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 ski -16
IceBeauty 2015-3-2 04:03
Saturday Feb. 28, 2015 @BM Instructor Ken, Mike Ride Vicboy's car started at HWY7/400 at 6:30am. We arrived P2 before 8:30am, after wait a few minutes I exchanged DD card to a ticket. Vicboy went to lift at 9:00am. I spent a few more minutes to communicate with brothers on Wechat. ...
个人分类: 滑雪|608 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 ski -15
IceBeauty 2015-3-2 03:30
Staturday Feb. 21, 2015 @ MSLM 4th MM lesson Instructor Ken, Mike After separated into 2 group, I followed Ken. Ken skied very well, flexible, simple and easy. I can feel he made a lot effort to show us some tips onmogules. He also observed our drill very detail and told ...
个人分类: 滑雪|606 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ski tech - quote from bullpower
IceBeauty 2015-3-1 00:59
学习了CASI的教材,NND发现和CSIA的一样一样的, 甚至字儿都不差! 三个COMPETENCE: center and mobile stance turn with lower body balance on edge 五个 SKILL: stance and balance pivot/steering edging pressure control timing and coordination. 4个三级ADVANCED COMPETENCE: maintain strength and flow arc to ...
个人分类: 滑雪|501 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 Ski - 12 ~ 14
IceBeauty 2015-2-19 00:29
2015-02-14 Saturday Sutton, Qc -- Ski in Glade until last run 2015-02-15 Sunday Jay Peak, VT -- 极冷, 风凛冽, 雪镜里面结霜, 戴近视眼镜滑. 下午更冷,险些把脸冻伤,不到3点就撤了。早知这样不如去水公园。用了airline mode,track的数据没存下来。今天冲得挺快,但没滑几趟7.5~8趟. 下午1 ...
个人分类: 滑雪|502 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 Ski - 11
IceBeauty 2015-2-9 00:32
Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at BM P1 South Lodge with instructor Ken and George. After separated 2 groups, I followed George. He is a young and talktive guy. But I have to say, he teached very well and skied mogule very well. 1.5 hours he almost taught us everything for mogules.&nbs ...
个人分类: 滑雪|606 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 Ski - 10
IceBeauty 2015-2-9 00:03
Feb. 4th, 2015 Lakeridge Night 2.5 hours It took me 1 hour to drive from my work palce to the resort though it is only 50km away. I left office about 5:30 and got on lift about 7:00pm. I did not prepare supper but luckily there were a lot COSTCO cake in kitchen today:) The lift ...
个人分类: 滑雪|731 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 Ski
IceBeauty 2015-2-3 00:23
2015-1-3 1Saturday MSLM --9 Mogule Muchers2 ITKen turning feet more drag poles on snow touch waist of downhillboot
个人分类: 滑雪|462 次阅读|0 个评论


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