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分享 发球〜160个
IceBeauty 2014-7-13 23:11
早上下过雨以为天不会太热,中午见地基本干了就去BTC练发球,站到场上才发现烈日当空,又忘带墨镜。发了约160-170个球,成功率略有提高。timing控制的更好了。关键是球要跑的足够高且直。 临走时club教练来给两个小孩上课。小女孩10岁的样子,和教练打service line to service line,那一招一式和击球的声音都太让我羡慕了 ...
464 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tennis Round Robin 1
IceBeauty 2014-7-10 23:25
2 个小时的RR match 打得我小腿都要抽筋了。今天和四个partner打了4对不同的对手各打了一个set,输了3个set,另一个可能赢的set,没打完教练Jessica就忙去了。 我今天打的不算太差,发球尤其有进步尽管有一局有两次double faults,Tara说我的一发很稳。我说呢,不管我的partner多差,我发球的时候她|他在网前都超水平发挥vo ...
507 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tennis 7th lesson
IceBeauty 2014-6-12 00:19
Still 4 students during warm up run, I jump side way to left, in the end I fell on ground because I can't lift my left foot. Luckily the court is smooth, no bruise and bleeding. I blame the Tennis shoes. Quite different from my running shoes. It is good for stop but not for run and ...
608 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tennis 6th lesson
IceBeauty 2014-6-5 23:52
Still 4 students, someone paid registration but never show up! Warm up exercise - short, long, long, short, short, long, long, ... Practice run to net and back to base line. Overhead shot, from racket can reach net, side way to aim or move, drop racket back, hit with ~75 degree angle, timin ...
442 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Anyone knows KiteBoarding ?
长颈鹿爸爸 2014-6-2 15:49
Anyone knows KiteBoarding ?
682 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 网球第5课
IceBeauty 2014-5-28 22:43
Only 4 students show up 1 approach to net, than back to baseline 3 times, set position other than hit to the middle of court 2 approach to volley - forget to run to reach ball, using same side wrong foot ( like badminton) 3 serve and return Forget swing racket back as loop when serve Back hand r ...
462 次阅读|0 个评论

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