StormRider 发表于 2014-4-27 17:55:49

大侠 Brian 请进

很高兴今天和你还有掌柜的David,还有一位大侠不知道叫啥通了电话。 也谢谢仙女替我们搭了桥。

那么多年了,还记得我, ,,,后来信号断了。 以后有机会一定去拜门/拜师 。 我们这里的雪季上周刚结束,不过离开下个雪季还有6个月。 遥祝你们(几乎)天天有雪滑,日日有雪看 {:5_201:}

brianz 发表于 2014-4-27 19:39:43

Brian is here, but not Da Xia :)

snowrider 发表于 2014-4-27 23:25:02

本帖最后由 snowrider 于 2014-6-15 00:27 编辑


B2L2 发表于 2014-4-28 00:37:38

樓上的 Brian 應該是大侠, 我可是一個小士兵 only.

StormRider, nice talking to you on the phone.During lunch, we were just talking about 大侠 from Montreal and of course StormRider's name popped up.:)Then immediately Cactus 仙女 already put you on the phone.Too bad the phone went out of battery, otherwise we should have a longer chat.:D

It is amazing April at Whistler, still unfinished job to ski those powder.Lucky for all the visitors coming from East Coast.Cactus, Sunny, Tracy are all luck girls.

We had another fun day skiing with Cactus.We skied everything from powder to powder filled mogul, from blue sky to super foggy, from powdery to slushy to icy, you named it.Cactus was with us all the way even she kept saying she was too to "ski" you again next week if possible, Cactus.

Also good to see few other famous people by the end of the day too.

KuoiGuaBoarder 发表于 2014-4-28 05:21:04


bullpower 发表于 2014-4-28 10:51:10

b-p有证和大侠是两回事发表于 昨天 20:12

It's so true{:6_250:}
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